181 Shediac rd, Moncton, NB, Canada, E1A 2S2
Group Meditation
Group Meditation
Every sunday starting
January 14, 2024 to June 9 2024 (summer vacation), resume Sept 22, 2024
from 7:15pm to 8:15pm
10$ (cash please)
(we alternate from french-english, with the first session Jan 14 in english
Group of 10
Text or call to register 506-855-5463
Thank you, Isabelle
The type of meditation is ''channelling''. That means that I ''feel'' the energy of the group and the meditation begins. It's a meditation that focus on healing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. So the outcome depends on your need and it's always different. It could be more grounding, past healing, return to the source, be in the moment, connect with your heart, etc. If your attracted by this, trust that it's meant for you. :) The result is always amazing. Give yourself a gift and come live a awesome experience.
Door opens 15 min before the meditation (7:30pm). Park in the driveway (181 Shediac rd), beside the road, in the round parking on the other side of the road (Dell Park Crescent) or even at McBun for a 5 min walk.
If while entering the clinic, the next door is open, it means the session will be in the big room downstairs, please remove your shoes and coat at the door and come join us downstairs. Please be careful in the stairs. Enter in silence, sign in at the entrance of the big room(write name and put money in envelop) and make yourself comfortable. Feel free to bring your slippers, blankets, etc., some are available if needed. Bring some water.
Newcomers are welcome, please don't be shy.
Please, text/call me to register (506-855-5463).
I look forward to meditate with you.
Introduction to the meditation session:
Thank you for being here! Meditating in a group, it’s helping each other to heal and to go deeper in our spiritual development (see clearly in life, understand life better). In a group, the energy of others helps and supports us to go through our limitations, our inner barriers. It’s easier to evolve around others who also want to evolve. It's more powerful.
Get comfortable, you will be in this position for the duration of the meditation (around 1 hr). But, it’s ok to move during the meditation. When energy is increased in the body (by the power of your concentration), you will feel sensations arise in your body. If you are a beginner, it could take you by surprise and so you might feel like moving. It’s ok. Meditation is like a new sport. The body needs to adjust to this new adventure.
Now that you know this, I will tell you the following. Relax. Relax more. When you feel sensation arising, relax a little bit more. Let the energy go through your body. That’s when the magic happens. Energy needs to flow so health can be restored. I will encourage you often to keep relaxing during the session.
After a few meditation sessions, you will see that you will adjust to the sensation of increased energy in your body and will like it. You will feel the release of blockages and the natural flow coming back within you and around you. It’s a really amazing healing method. You will get there, it’s inevitable, you just need practice.
Now, the more that we meditate, the more that we can release beyond the body. We can heal emotional issues. We come to let go inner drama and find peace within. The more we meditate, the more we can maintain that inner peace (the mind doesn’t overflow you with other thoughts; you can keep focusing on the meditation).
The advance meditators practice to keep that inner peace even in surrounding sounds and distractions. So, if beginners move, it’s a good practice for advance meditators to see where they are at with their ability to keep inner peace.
Of course, sometimes it’s simply harder than other times. Meditating practice is like all things to be learned; we progress, we regress, we progress even more, we regress a little, up we go again, etc. ;)
A meditation master is looking to maintain inner peace even in the awaken state (outside of meditation). So, whatever happens in a master’s life, this one can keep inner peace. His emotions are always stable, calm and peaceful. How amazing would that be!
So, if the subject of inner peace is a mystery to you, I will explain myself. Possibly if your brand new to meditation that your thoughts are going a 1000 miles per hour in your head. Some people even have a hard time sleeping because of it. Meditation helps to calm the mind and stop the inner chatter.
Yes, you can control this little haunting voice. At the beginning, it will be super hard, it’s ok. Simply do the effort to come back to my voice (I will be guiding the meditation, meaning I will talk the whole time and you’re invited to listen and do the inner work that I’m proposing). You will be distracted by your thoughts. However the more you come back to my voice and try to experience the meditation, less the voice inside your head will take you away from meditating. It takes practice, persist.
From the first meditation, you will progress. From the first meditation, you will release some tensions and will start calming your mind.
Everybody can meditate. You only need to want it!
It will be a immense pleasure to welcome you, I love seeing a group coming together and I enjoy very much channelling for all of us. xox